Songs From The Last Century

December 6, 1999

Songs From The Last Century, George’s fourth solo album, was released. Produced by Phil Ramone and George Michael, it was his only album of cover versions and was recorded in New York. Roxanne was released as a single. The album peaked at #2 in the UK chart.

Net Aid

October 9, 1999


George performed at Net Aid during the concert held at Wembley Stadium in London. Net Aid was an 11-hour transAtlantic benefit concert that used music and the Internet to fight global poverty. Organized by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Internet networking company Cisco Systems the show was watched or heard by millions on television, radio and on a Web site.

Here, There and Everywhere: a Concert for Linda

April 10, 1999


George performed at Here, There and Everywhere: a Concert for Linda, a benefit tribute to Linda McCartney, wife of Paul McCartney. It was held at the Royal Albert Hall in London. He sang Faith, Eleanor Rigby and The Long and Winding Road.